Thursday, December 09, 2010

Working from Home

It's been almost six months since i quit my job from a call center. Now, i'm just working as a freelancer. Most of which, i manage to work online. Usually, it deals with graphics and and managing a client.

Just thanking God, that once in a while, i got projects that helps me generate income. Of course i have expenses to pay monthly.

Most of my friends has been asking me where i got the job. Of course, it's just online! Everyone wants to find a job online. It's of course less hassle, since you don't need to go to an office, dress up, nor you need to put on a make up! But it requires time, effort and responsibility.

Also, they have to be aware that some online jobs are just scams. It would ask them to pay something upfront which shouldn't be the case. I hope to get the legit jobs. A job they would love and could give them satisfaction.