Thursday, February 21, 2008

resigning from MK...

i have submitted my resignation earlier today to our HR Manager. She was shocked but of course can't do anything but to accept my resignation.

Well, i have proven my work with MK and it's time for me to move on with another company and face another challenge. Effective March 8, 2008, I'll be starting with the company in IT Park. Can't wait till that day will come.

I dropped by earlier in IT park to sign the contract. Their HR handed me lots of documents to sign and handed me the requirements which i need to comply.

The work will be working during the office time in the US but since I am a night creature, it's not a big problem with me. Just like now, it's almost half past 4AM. I am a bit tired though since i have been awake since early morning yesterday.

Anyways, i'll drop by again here tomorrow and update this blog! ciao! :)

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