Monday, February 25, 2008

to buy or not to buy!?

that is that question! I have been thinking and asking myself whether to buy or not to buy a mobile phone. I will be surrendering my mobile phone to my current employer since i will be leaving the company and transfer to another company by late next week. My old phone is not working already though i still have an extra mobile phone which though sometimes don't work well. hmmmm i've been thinking a lot about it. And now, i am almost deciding to subscribe to a plan and have 1 of the NSeries phone from Nokia. The N82 model in particular. I have been searching online on different phones and so far, i have liked the N82 model. It's interesting to have such model especially that i have found this blog online which is called The N82 Blog. It talks a lot about the phone and how to get the most out of it. Whew, but until now i am still unsure since the mobile model is quite expensive. ummmm so, i will wait and see if i could really buy one over the weekend or early next week, before i can surrender my phone or just stay with my very old phone. hayyyyy what do you think!?

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